Our DOLLAR & SENSE practice embraces practice and amplifies the collaborative energy that comes from blending strategic vision with operational realities.
We help businesses drive top-line growth and optimize resources through streamlining of operations, redirecting efficiency gains towards high-impact, value-creating initiatives.
Value Chain Planning
Any business, like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest link.
How good is a great product with less than great customer service, inferior marketing, or poor distribution? Our end-to-end approach to value chain analysis seeks to optimize each integration point to achieve the best possible brand experience.
If we can get your product to your customer just a little bit faster, that’s innovation.
If we can make the package just a little bit easier to open, that’s innovation.
If we can make your product just a little bit easier to find, we’ve succeeded.
+ Ops & SC Management
+ Operations vs. Planning
+ Visibility in Unified Environment
+ Turnaround Strategy
+ Scenario Modeling
Financial Planning ​
Today’s competitive marketplace makes it nearly impossible for an organization to achieve its growth objectives through organic growth alone. Indeed, recent studies suggest companies that don’t complement internal growth with external activity, such as M&A, find it increasingly difficult to provide the top-line and bottom-line results shareholders expect.
Companies looking to expand into new markets, pursue new innovation opportunities, and hit aggressive targets must therefore build M&A into their growth strategies.
+ P&L Analysis
+ Exit Strategies
+ Asset Sales
+ M&A
+ Risk Mitigation

We are founder friendly, and realistic. We are transparent, strategic, and data driven, serving as the trusted voice of the industry as a new player. We advocate for policies that encourage innovation and reward long-term investment.
Value Chain Planning
With our proven value chain expertise, GRD charts your business priorities and set a pace that balances capacity with needs, mitigates risks, engages stakeholders, and drives sustainable results.
We are proven facilitators of internal and external change to accelerate organizational learning and advancement.
Financial Planning
The process of value assessment of the current financial performance of any company is examined with a thorough analysis of the acquired business history, its founders and management team.
We estimate future market value based on the product offerings, market dynamics, capital requirement, organizational structure, intellectual capital, and brand value — everything are reviewed thoroughly.